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    Hangers 101 & A Litany of Hashtags in Bergen, Norway 

    I am delighted to share that I will be traveling to Bergen, Norway the first week in October to present Hangers 101: A Litany of Hashtags as part of PAB Open Performance Art Event

    Hangers 101 began during the new administration as a daily visual gesture using wire hangers. Participants add to and pose with sculptural elements, sharing their thoughts and concerns about what is going on in the world around us. These thoughts become hashtags and are shared on Instagram. A Litany of Hashtags is the performance element, inspired by hashtags gathered from participants. 

    I will be performing Hangers 101: A Litany of Hashtags October 6 - 7. To follow the project, please see @mcayer27 on Instagram. 





    Last month Kara Feely, Alessandro Magania and I had an incredible overnight stay at Art Omi ReActor. We spent the night exploring the sculpture from within, measuring the rhythm of movement, balancing, manipulating the flow and standing still. Guided by the structure itself, we created sculptural elements, sounds, spoken words and key movements that inspired a performance the next morning. It was an amazing experience that I'm thrilled to share with you, please follow @reactorovernight on Instagram to see more. 
    Thank you to Alex Schweder, Ward Shelley and the Art Omi team for this opportunity.
    Photo by Ross Willow



    Moments #3 as part of Love Apple Art Space inaugural group exhibition

    I am delighted to share that Moments #3 performance artifacts will be included in Art Work: An Exploration of Labor, the Love Apple Art Space's inaugural exhibition.

    The exhibition, curated by Jennie Lamensdorf, runs July 2nd through October 1st.

    Opening Reception: July 2nd 2pm - 5pm
    The Love Apple Art Space -  1421 Route 9H, Ghent, NY

    Moments #3 Participants share a significant moment from their lives that are represented by a handmade bead, The beads are placed on the timeline, becoming musical notes. Music and stories are incorporated into a performance, the wire and bead installation is transformed through the process. Moments, the installations and the performance, can be commissioned to be personalized and tailored to a specific event, location, object or individual


    Performing at The Glasshouse June 22nd 9am to 9pm

    Dear friends

    I am delighted to perform Hangers 101, A Litany of Hashtags: a 12 hour performance on June 22nd from 9am to 9pm with a specific intervention/action 8pm during the Neo-Domesticity Performance Art Festival 

    Hangers 101, A Litany of Hashtags: a participatory performance based of the interdisciplinary project, Hangers 101. I perform monologues inspired by hashtags gathered from participants that sum up their perspectives and feelings about current social and political events in a few words. A Litany of Hashtags compiles and shares a wide range of opinions, concerns and hopes, aiming to create positive, alternative dialogue about important issues that affect us all. See @mcayer27 on Instagram 

    Hangers 101 is a participatory performance, installation and Instagram project that began as a reaction to and during the first 100 days of the new administration. Making a daily visual gesture using mainly wire hangers and other domestic materials. Speaking most often in a positive note, spreading words such as peace, understanding etc addressing human rights in general with specificity guided depending what is on the news. At time the feelings of fears and angers are spoken of, how can we not? This exploration takes place both within the studio and in various public locations. Sometimes passersby and participants pose with the installation, growing the visual element adding to the conversation. During these interactions, participants share their thoughts and concerns in relation to current events. I gather snippets of their perspective and experiences to share on Instagram with hashtags such as #peace #climatechange #fear #womensrighttochoose #travelersincantation.  

    The Glasshouse is located 246 UNION AVENUE, BROOKLYN                                                                                                                          To participate from afar please send # and images




    Hangers 101 is a participatory performance, installation and Instagram project that began as a reaction to and during the first 100 days of the new administration I make a daily visual gesture speaking most often in a positive note, spreading words such as peace, understanding etc. We address human rights in general with specificity guided depending what is on the news. At time the feelings of fears and angers are spoken of, how can we not?                                                                                                                                           Hangers 101 is centered around an installation created mainly with hangers and other materials that grows and changes daily. This exploration takes place both within the studio and in various public locations. Sometimes passersby and participants pose with the installation, growing the visual element adding to the conversation. During these interactions, participants share their thoughts about current events around us. I gather snippets of their perspective and experiences to share via @mcayer27 on Instagram with hashtags such as #peace #climatechange #womensrighttochoose and other words that participants think of in relation to what is happening in the US and the world.

    Please follow my Instagram account mcayer27 to see images and hashtag text. New images are posted daily. If you are inclined to add your thoughts on what is happening now you are welcome to send me # and images via contact me




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