Let's Take a Walk #39 9/20th & #40 9/21st
Let's Take a Walk #39
On Friday September 20th Greta Thunberg will be leading a Global Climate Strike and demonstration in New York City at Foley Square starting at noon, followed by a rally and march to Battery Park. I'll be on site and at 1pm (EST) will broadcast via Twitter a moment and gathered impressions of this powerful and very important movement. The 1.1 million students in the city’s public schools have even been excused to join the strike. And it’s not just young people joining in. In Sweden, a group of senior citizens called Greta Gamilingar (Greta’s oldies) is participating.
Let's Take a Walk #40
On Saturday September 21st I will follow the artist Pope.L's Conquest, as he and 140 participants will crawl through the street of Greenwich village.At 11am I will broadcast via Twitter a short moment of this inspired project. Visit Public Art Fund for more information.
For those of you new to Let's Take a Walk here is a short description of this project I started in March 2010.
Let’s Take a Walk
LTAW is a worldwide walk I lead using Twitter to guide a shared journey, walking together apart. As I take a left turn,for example, participants from anywhere in the world also turn left. Together, though apart, we’ll journey along creating a similar foot print on different soil. On site, sometimes alone, sometimes assisted by a Town Crier, a Tweet Master, and a Drummer, the public and passer by are invited to join in. During the walk, I ask questions about social topics, prompting dialogues, inviting participants to sing a song, say something nice to someone, etc. We film and photograph our journeys, which I compile later into an installation that includes costumes and props used during the walk along with sound, photographs and videos, showing the experience of our group walking in different places yet moving in sync. So far there have been 38 walks; each is a shared moment—a step towards peace.
Please visit the LTAW blog to learn more.
As always I thank you for your participation.Marie Christine
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